Emanzana WTW Upgrade and Expansion Project
Mpumalanga Province, South Africa
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Process and Environmental Engineering
High-Rate Sedimentation/Rapid Sand Filtration
September 2026
Completion Date
Summary Scope of Work
Designing and constructing a water treatment plant to provide sufficient, clean, and affordable water to the customers of Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality.
The project entails the refurbishment of 3 MLD of existing filtration capacity and expansion by a further 4 MLD of additional floc/sed/rapid gravity sand filtration capacity.
Key Features
Root-cause analysis of the current process disruptions.
Site visit and Assessment of the Emanzana WTW.
Inception report including process flow diagrams and calculations
Development of a Design Proposal in the form of a Concept and Viability Report.
Preparation of Concept and Viability level (Preliminary Design) drawings.
Detailed Design Services, Tender documentation, and procurement of contractor.
Specialized equipment installation supervision